

Durgapur subdivision is an administrative subdivision of the Paschim Bardhaman district in the state of West Bengal, India.The rocky undulating topography with laterite soil found in the western part of the district extends to the western part of Durgapur subdivision. For ages the area was heavily forested and infested with plunderers and marauders. The discovery of coal in the 18th century led to industrialisation of the western part of the subdivision. Most of the forests in the western part of the subdivision have been cleared but the eastern part remained thickly forested till more recent times and some are still there. The eastern part of the subdivision gradually slopes down to the rice plains of Bengal.


About the Office of the Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Durgapur

The Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Durgapur plays a key role under the administrative setup of Paschim Bardhaman District. The functions of this office are diverse and multifaceted. Some of the key responsibilities and functions of SDM, Durgapur include:

Legal Name       : SDO Durgapur

Administration : SDO Durgapur also know as Sub Divisional Magistrate, Durgapur Overseeing the administration and governance at the sub-divisional level. which includes multiple blocks.

Law and Order : Maintaining law and order within the sub-division and taking necessary actions to prevent and control any disturbances or issues.

Magisterial Powers: Exercising magisterial powers as per the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC), such as issuing orders,conducting inquiries, and handling legal matters related to the sub-division.

Supervision of Government Programs: Monitoring and supervising various government schemes, programs, and initiatives at the sub-divisional level.

Public Grievances: Addressing public grievances and complaint within the sub-division and talking necessary actions to resolve them.

Overall, the Sub-Divisional Magistrate in West Bengal plays a pivotal role in maintaining administrative efficiency, implementing government policies, ensuring law and order, and addressing various issues within the sub-divisional jurisdiction.


Dr. Sourav Chatterjee, WBCS (Exe)

SDO Durgapur, Durgapur

Phone: 0343-2343488                                                                                                           

Email: sdmdqp.


Durgapur, West Bengal 7 1321 6